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Posted on September 21, 2018
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Watch A Fervent Wish (2012) Full Movie and Get Access. A Fervent Wish can be playing for free registering. Download A Fervent Wish with HD Quality.
A Fervent Wish (2012)
Release : 2012-07-23 Genre : Drama Runtime : 16 minutes Home Page : Company : Cast : Trina Legaspi, Inigo Cruz, Rolando Inocencio, Christian Ramos
Charlie, a backpacker, is walking through the bushes with a pen and notebook in his hand. He sways with the rustling of the trees as the music plays in his ears. While walking he sees a lady, Anna, a teenager, swimming in the river. That river became their meeting place and they easily became friends. But Anna’s father, Mang Berting, prohibited Charlie from coming to the river and even threatened him. How far will Anna and Charlie’s friendship go?
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