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Troll Definition of Troll by MerriamWebsterb to act as a troll see troll entry 3 sense 2 on a forum site etc … is also notorious for trolling message boards on the Internet posting offensive material he himself has written and then suing anyone who responds in agreement — Mark HemingwayInternet troll WikipediaIn Internet slang a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive extraneous or offtopic messages in an online community such as a newsgroup forum chat room or blog with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses and normalizing tangential discussion whether for the Troll WikipediaA troll is a class of being in Norse mythology and Scandinavian Old Norse sources beings described as trolls dwell in isolated rocks mountains or caves live together in small family units and are rarely helpful to human beings Later in Scandinavian folklore trolls became beings in their own right where they live far from human habitation are not Christianized and are Troll definition of troll by The Free Dictionarytroll 1 trōl v trolled troll·ing trolls 1 a To fish for by trailing a baited line from behind a slowly moving boat b To fish in by trailing a baited line troll the lake for bass c To trail a baited line in fishing 2 a To move around in an area or go to different places searching for something The players cautiously refrain Urban Dictionary trollBefore the Internet there were the mythical Trolls of old who ate farmer’s goats After that there were and are the semihuman versions of trolls that still exist today in all regions throughout the world Trolls can be divided into groups depending on where they live such as Beach Trolls Hill Trolls City Trolls Suburban Trolls Valley Trolls and a couple other categories which take on Troll Define Troll at to fish for or in with a moving line working the line up or down with a rod as in fishing for pike or trailing the line behind a slowmoving boatTroll 1986 IMDbA wicked troll king in search of a mystical ring that will transform him to human form invades a San Francisco apartment complex where a powerful witch livestroll Definition of troll in English by Oxford DictionariesDefinition of troll in folklore an ugly creature depicted as either a giant or a dwarfTroll Wowpedia Your wiki guide to the World of WarcraftTroll is a species where multiple subspecies exist these subspecies vary from being tall lanky and muscular with each subspecies being different than the others both physically and culturallyWhat Is a Troll and Internet TrollingIf you consider yourself to be pretty active on social media or other types of online communities you may have experienced what many savvy internet users call internet trolls or “being trolled” which is when someone comments or responds to something you post usually in a confrontational way that is designed to garner a strong emotional reaction
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